Saturday, November 24, 2007

I am not drunk.

But I am bloated, tired, and don't feel like writing.

So I don't think I will.

I doubt I will tomorrow, either, as I have to work and want to spend the rest of the day drinking coffee and relaxing, but I promise I'll be back with a real, grown-up entry that says more than "MmmmtastyBaileysmmmbye!!!" on Monday. Because I really want to discuss the 2nd Amendment and a couple of good books I've read lately. And, you know, the Hogans' divorce.

What? That's who I am!

Two things tonight before I go have popcorn and watch Transformers:

1.) Love Actually FREAKING ROCKS. Dude. Best. Movie. Ever. Bar. None. And it keeps getting better and better and better each and every time you watch it!!! It's amazing.

2.) Umm. There is no two. There was. But I forgot what it was. So, um, yeah. No number two.



Anonymous said...

enjoy your movie:):):)

Anonymous said...

Hope you enjoyed the movie and maybe by tonight you will remember what your second thought was -- so, soon we will hear about the second amendment, huh???? You should run for president because, unfortunately, no one in either party shares your views on every topic.....