Thursday, November 29, 2007

Day 29. Fine. Whatever.

Icons for Colleen today, for I think this is her favorite episode of Star Trek, even more than the one where Kirk and the Space Whore have to *snicker* repopulate the species, or the boot episode.

The heathen envelopes are finished. And I have nothing else to do but study until finals. Well, if you don't count cleaning, laundry, presenting in Egyptian civ, writing a psych paper, and watching POTC: AWL roughtly 547 times.

Oh, it shall be sweet.

Realized that I have an inadvertant day off next week. Because there's a terrorist coming to talk about not being a terrorist anymore, and I've got this weird feeling that some sort of shit is going down, and I'd really rather not be a part of any of it.

So sleep- yay!!!

Also? It's Tuesday. God wants me to watch Pirates. Over and over and over agan.

Only one link today, but it's a doozy:

Um, yeah. Maybe if you're thinking Flowers in the Attic.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it's halftime of the game....not a great first I thought I would see if your new blog was up....yeah!!!! Yes I am sure God would rather you watch Pirates than get involved in issues as school....enjoy your movie:):):)