Thursday, September 04, 2008

It's a historic pandering!

It's rather late (almost ten, golly, mother, we should get to bed!), and I'm more than a little bit tired from this first week of being back in school. Have to get up early tomorrow to avoid the crowds that will presumably be flooding Neighboring Town to see My Favorite VP Candidate, because no way am I touching that with a ten-foot pole.

So! You're getting a video! Mostly because I think she dresses really well and I am amazed at how much she looks like her grandparents. It's uncanny, really.

(Oh, wait. Can I just say that McCain is talking about being stuck with a broken arm in the Hanoi Hilton and I'm feeling like a bad American because I really want him to shut up so I can watch The Daily Show?)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

your favorite vp candidate:):):) I had thought about going over there since it is now my neighboring town also, but I have decided that might be a bit crowded:):):)